Hi, I have the following two classes: Student and Department.
class Student { @Id public void getId() { ... }
... @ManyToOne(optional = false) @JoinColumn(name = "DEPT_ID") public Department getDepartment() { return this._department; }
private Long _id; private Department _department; }
All this works fine. But the problem is that my foreign key, getDepartment has to return a Department object. I was wondering if this can be made to return a Long (which is the id of the department row concerned). The reason I was this is that I do not want to read in the entire department column (avoid a join of the user with the department table).
This problem becomes worse if the getDepartment is a set. Any set operation that requires equals/hashCode which I currently override to do business key based equality/ But any set operation leads to loading of all the department objects unnecessarily. I need to have this as a Set and not a bag.