I'm testing a web application, which uses Hibernate 3, postgres 8.3, JSF 1.2 and acegi, on two servers:
- First server: processor intel dual (64 bits) core, Mac OS 10.5
- Second server: processor power pc (32 bits), Mac OS 10.4
My application is compatible with the first one, but it is not compatible with second.
Logs messages display NoClassDefFoundError. These messages are generated by "session = connexion.currentSession();", but connexion classe existe and currentSession is a static access.
So, I looked for the Hibernate FAQ and I find this message:
I get a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError
You are missing a third-party library Hibernate needs, check lib/README.txt in the Hibernate distribution first. You need all classes that are listed as required for runtime. Another much more exotic reason might be a static initializer block of one of the needed classes (error during load) or a security-related issue (policy doesn't allow loading).
What does it mean? Either a static initializer block from the application classe cannot be initialized or a Hibernate jar classe cannot be initialized?
So what can I do to solve it?