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 Post subject: extensibility, hql + criteria - how this could work out.
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:07 am 

Joined: Sat May 09, 2009 9:53 am
Posts: 2
So i have worked for about 2 years with Hibernate now, have experienced some subtle bugs but most of the time a workaround could be found.
Now i am using hibernatespatial a lot, as well as some homebrew Criterions, and implementations of the Order class. Hibernatespatial is implemented exclusively for the criteria API.

Most of the time i like to write hql because it is fast to write + fast to execute. sometimes i am forced to query with the Criteria API. the process of switching over from perfectly working hql is often painful, especially since criteria has some limitations.
What would be great is a conversion from a org.hibernate.Query to org.hibernate.Criteria or org.hibernate.Criterion
I think it may be possible that each Query could generate a complex Criterion.
That way, one could formulate queries with hql, when the need for extensibility arises you can implement the Criterion classes etc and just attach them to the converted hql.

Do you think it is possible to implement such a method on the Query interface? Is there already an issue for this?
I do see a ton of possible use cases for this.

any chance to get feedback from a hibernate dev on this? should i create an issue with feature request?

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