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 Post subject: Deploying Hibernate in JBOSS
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:43 am 

Joined: Wed May 10, 2006 9:43 pm
Posts: 30
Location: Australia
Hi everyone,

I've been struggling to deploy my hibernate app into JBOSS for a while now. I have hibernate working in an eclipse project using jboss/hibernate tools and I have spent some time looking at how to deploy it into JBOSS. I have created a war in JBOSS with jsp's, in addition to the servlets required in eclipse.

I've read the jboss documentation about using hibernate which mainly relates to building the solution using ant. Is ant required to build the solution? Although my main question is what is the correct structure of the folders and what types of projects etc. should i create in eclipse to deploy the application in jboss. I have also looked at an example in hibernate 3 by example by laliluna although I require more info to get this working.

If you could provide a response that would be greatly appreciated! I would be really happy to find a basic example to get this all working.

Regards, Alyssa

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