your problem is more a problem of the Lucene query API. In the case where you want to get a match for 'trade' you should get away with a prefix query - 'trade*' or problematically via the PrefixQuery class.
The other case - 'show' is more problematic. Per default Lucene does not allow leading wildcard searches like '*show'. That said there is a QueryParser. setAllowLeadingWildcard() method which allows you to execute such wildcard searches. Performance might be bad though (see
http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-lucene/L ... 09848ea695).
An alternative would be to use a filter with a WildCardTermEnum together with a ConstantScoreQuery -
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/l ... user/38426
So there are solutions to your problem, but you have to search more in Lucene than in Hibernate Search to find them. Check the Lucene mailing list. I am sure there are many post regarding leading wildcard queries.
Hope this helps.