Hi and thanks for your reply. To answer your questions:
I had removed all of indexEmbedded annotations. I personally think the warnings come from the child classes for the non-abstract Offer which don't have @DocumentId references.
The indexing code. I have tried the following:
public class OfferManagerImpl extends GenericManagerImpl<Offer, Long> implements
OfferManager {
public Offer save(Offer offer) {
offer = offerDao.save(offer);
return offer;
public class GenericDaoHibernate<T, PK extends Serializable> extends HibernateDaoSupport implements GenericDao<T, PK> {
public T save(T object) {
return (T) super.getHibernateTemplate().merge(object);
public class OfferDaoHibernate extends GenericDaoHibernate<Offer, Long> implements
OfferDao {
public Offer save(Offer offer) {
Offer off = super.save(offer);
FullTextSession fts = Search.getFullTextSession(this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession());
return off;
I tried with and without fts.index(off). Autoindexing should not required the index action, right?
That's about it. I dont see anything special in the logs referring to this.
Yes, the index directories get created.
I will try to remove those event elements and the other suggestions you made.
I would appreciate a head's up if you see any issues in my code.