hi all, i am using the following hql querry and each time the error comes as:
could not resolve property: account of: ReportInventory [select acc.name,acc.code,ri.status,DATE_FORMAT(ri.updatedAt,'%d-%b-%y') from ReportInventory as ri ,Account as acc where acc.code =ri.account.id and acc.webmart.id=ri.webmart.id and ri.updatedBy != upper('System') and ri.status in ('LIVE','ROLLBACK') and ri.webmart.id=101
String queryString="select acc.name,acc.code,ri.status,DATE_FORMAT(ri.updatedAt,'%d-%b-%y') from ReportInventory as ri ,Account as acc where acc.code =ri.account.id and acc.webmart.id=ri.webmart.id and ri.updatedBy != upper('System') and ri.status in ('LIVE','ROLLBACK') and ri.webmart.id="+webmart.getId();[/code]