Hibernate version: 2.0.50727
I am new to NHibernate and am wondering how to map a Many to Many with additional columns.
I have a table StudentDailyActivity with columns
Id - the primary auto incrementing key
StudentId - a foreign key to the Student Table
ClassId - a foreign key to the Class Table
SchoolYearId - a foreign key to the SchoolYear Table
ActivityNotes - a text field
HomeworkNotes - a text field.
I am not sure how to represent this. I have my Student, Class and SchoolYear mappings done, and I know how to do this with a pure Many to Many mapping, but in this case I have the additional columns of ActivityNotes and HomeworkNotes.
I am looking for the StudentDailyActivities to be a collection of my C# Student object.
Would someone please help a newbie.