I'm having a couple of issues with the hibernate tools in Eclipse/Flex Builder 3. (Version 3.0, build
I've got 3.2.3.GA installed, and a few weeks ago I tried a slightly more recent version and a slightly older version with no change.
The first is that I can not get it to generate DDL to save my life. It just won't do it. If I run Eclipse in debug mode, I see the DDL get generated and spit out to the console, but it never hits a file. No errors are recorded, it just runs for a second and then stops, but no changes I've made to any settings have ever resulted in me seeing a file get saved. It's generating MySQL 5 code.
I've been having to use "Run Schemaexport" in the Hibernate view, which works fine, mostly.
That brings me to my second problem:
<set name="failBranch" table="fail_opsteps">
<key column="opstep_id"/>
<many-to-many class="com.tamedtornado.data.OpStep" column="conseq_id"/>
Generates a table "fail_opsteps" when I run schemaexport..
<list name="failBranch" table="fail_opsteps">
<key column="opstep_id"/>
<list-index column="order"/>
<many-to-many class="com.tamedtornado.data.OpStep" column="conseq_id"/>
Generates no such table, although it does complain a lot about said table not existing. I have 2 or 3 others just like that, they all have the same problem.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?