Hello everyone,
Everywhere I look for reverse engineering examples I see the following DTD referenced:
http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibern ... ng-3.0.dtd
However, this does not appear to be the latest version (hibernate.sf.net is deprecated right?)
For example, I have the following in my reverse engineering xml file:
<table catalog="bFine" schema="dba" name="license" class="DbLicense">
<meta attribute="class-code">
* Default serial version ID (generated by Hibernate reverse engineering)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
<generator class="native"></generator>
This does not validate. I get errors on the <meta /> tag, because in the DTD it says:
<!ELEMENT table (primary-key?, column*, foreign-key*) >
But the <meta /> tag is valid according to the documentation! (And also: generating the POJO's works and respects the <meta /> tag!)
So my question: where's the latest DTD?? I've looked in the repository but can't seem to find it... :(
With kind regards,