I have JPA entities that depend on entities defined in another project. For example I have a t4-core-commons project that depends on a t4-core-utils project (for example @ManyToOne annotation).
I try to configure Hibernate Console (from JBoss Tools) for these projects. No problem to configure it on t4-core-utils project. But I can't find how to do with t4-core-commons : it fails because it can't find entities defined in t4-core-utils project.
I added t4-core-utils project to the classpath but it can't find them. Also tried to add t4-core-utils project as first entry in the classpath list : entities from t4-core-utils are found, but not one of t4-core-commons.
I encountered the same kind of problems with unit tests and solved it thanks to the <jar-file> property in persistence.xml. Is there something equivalent with Hibernate Console ?
Thanks in advance,