Hibernate tools:
Name and version of the database you are using:
Oracle 9i
ant task:
<target name="GenDDL" depends="init" description="Generates ddl file">
<taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpath="${compile_classpath}" />
<hibernatetool destdir="${src.dir}">
<configuration configurationfile="${resources.dir}/hibernate.cfg.xml" />
<hbm2ddl export="false" update="true" drop="false" outputfilename="dboutput.ddl" format="true" haltonerror="true" />
Im trying to get a script that details updates made to the database, but no file gets generated. The log output lists all the alter table statements etc and then this:
25-Sep-2008 14:31:23 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate execute
INFO: schema update complete
suggesting it's completed successfully, but neither the database is updated nor a file created. If I don't have update="true" in my ant task then it writes out the create/alter scripts to a file successfully.
I have read a number of posts where other people are having the same problem, but haven't come across a solution yet. Is this an outstanding bug?