Okay I was able figure out how to name my DAOs with the "DAO" suffix from the following post:
http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?p=2319810&sid=3d37e60b91ef1b887b0fb16040a108e6. I must admit I didn't follow the conversation that well but enough to figure out the basics.
Using the Generic Exporter I can set up the following properties:
File Pattern: {package-name}/../dao/{class-name}DAO.java
Output directory: generated
Template name: dao/daohome.ftl
jdk5: true
edj3: false
sessionFactoryName: SessionFactory
Hur-ray! Sweet!
I still need to figure out how to do the following:
(Major Issue) -- Make my generated DAOs to implement a DAO interface.
(Minor Issue) -- The dao generation generates its own methods (persist(), attachDirty(), attachClean(), delete(), merge(), findById(), and findByExample()) . How can I replace these methods with my own named query methods as defined in the CommandQueries.hbm.xml file. Is this possible?
One way I am thinking about solving these 2 issues, is by playing with the daohome.ftl file. (Or better yet creating a new template based off the daohome.ftl file)
Any suggestions on how to do this?