hi Cameron,
thanks for your reply.
i need to prepare a report for which i need to map my class to view.
i had written the following snippet in my hbm.
<class name="MyTestView" table="my_test_view">
<id name="sr_no" type="long">
<column name="SR_NO" />
<generator class="native" />
<property name="name" type="string">
<column name="NAME" length="45"></column>
the other thing that i tried was --
<class name="MyTestView" mutable="false" subselect="true">
select t.name,t.srno from test t
<synchronize table="test"/>
<id name="srno"/>
<property name="name"/>
i always get my list size as 0 on firing criteria query for this class.
please correct and guide further.