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 Post subject: Help getting metrics!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:15 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:27 pm
Posts: 4
Hey all - we are seeing spiky performance from our web application and are working from the database up. we're pretty sure it's not our mysql 5 as whenever we do a query it comes back right away and the load on the mysql boxes is super low, and our slow query log isn't logging anything major.

so working our way up, we want to see how to get metrics from hibernate to see how long it takes to serialize / deserialize the objects we are selecting. we suspect our frequent HQL query calls to get entire table rows when we only really need one or two columns in the select is causing the problem, but before we go start rewriting this code, we want to be sure if possible that the bottleneck is in serializing/deserializing the objects we are getting from the db.. (which, yes, do have text columns)

thanks for the help.. really just looking for a way to log this data to identify our problem area(s) before we commit to rewriting code, as time is of the essence. if we have to download the hibernate source to add the logging we want, we can do that too.

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