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 Post subject: Loading hibernate objects as defined subclass
PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:45 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:18 pm
Posts: 12

I have the following question using hibernate

HorsesDBO is my hibernate-mapping class where all the fields from my table are mapped to.

From HorsesDBO inherit some classes that provide only some special views on my dbo.

HorsesRaceComputer extends HorsesDBO computes all the necessary data while a race (but has no further mapped attributes).
HorsesDrawer extends HorsesDBO is responsible for graphical output of a horse (and has no further mapped attributes, too).

So I would like to tell hibernate while loading which subclass of HorsesDBO should be taken to create the Horses object, depending on the context I need to load a horse.

Is that possible?

Bye Michael

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