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 Post subject: JPA question and i18n problem
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:31 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:57 am
Posts: 10
Hibernate version: 3.2.6-ga

Mapping documents:

Name and version of the database you are using:mysql 5.0

The generated SQL (show_sql=true): Hibernate:
/* named HQL query Sculpture.findBySculptureID */ select
sculpture0_.sculpture_ID as sculpture1_2_,
sculpture0_.actif as actif2_,
sculpture0_.annee as annee2_,
sculpture0_.hauteur as hauteur2_,
sculpture0_.largeur as largeur2_,
sculpture0_.nombreExemplaires as nombreEx6_2_,
sculpture0_.prix as prix2_
jbm.Sculpture sculpture0_
/* load one-to-many com.jeanbaptistemartin.domain.Sculpture.sculpturei18nCollection */ select
sculpturei0_.sculpture_id as sculpture2_1_,
sculpturei0_.locale as locale1_,
sculpturei0_.locale as locale1_0_,
sculpturei0_.sculpture_id as sculpture2_1_0_,
sculpturei0_.description as descript3_1_0_,
sculpturei0_.titre as titre1_0_
jbm.Sculpture_i18n sculpturei0_

I have the following two tables:


sculpture_ID integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
hauteur integer NOT NULL,
largeur integer NOT NULL,
annee year NOT NULL,
prix double,
nombreExemplaires integer NOT NULL,
actif bool DEFAULT false NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE Sculpture_i18n
sculpture_id integer NOT NULL ,
locale char(2) NOT NULL ,
titre varchar (50) NOT NULL,
description varchar(255),
FOREIGN KEY(sculpture_id) REFERENCES Sculpture (sculpture_ID)

I have generated the associated entity classes using netbeans.

in the Sculpture_i18n table, I have as many lines per sculpture as there are locales in the app. Say I have two locales: French and English. I'll have the following rows in the Sculpture_i18n:

1 "en" "woman" "a woman's bust"
1 "fr" "femme" "buste de femme"
2 "en" "dog" "a black dog"
2 "fr" "chien" "un chien noir"

I want to be able to retrieve a sculpture together with its localized information using jpa.

As of now my DAO looks like that and does not handle i18n:

public Sculpture findBySculptureID(Integer sculptureId) {
return (Sculpture) entityManager.createNamedQuery("Sculpture.findBySculptureID").setParameter("sculptureID", sculptureId).getSingleResult();

Does anyone have any sugggestion?


PS The pk of sculpturei18n is the composition of "sculptureid" and "locale"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:22 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:52 am
Posts: 1689
Location: Sweden

I probably would use a Map. Something like this:

private Map<String, SculptureI18n>

SculptureI18n would be an @Embeddable class containing the title and description.

If it does not work with the JPA annotations I would have a look at Hibernate's @CollectionOfElements.

Also have a look at: http://i-proving.ca/space/Technologies/Hibernate/Hibernate+Annotation+Examples/Collection+of+Elements.

I haven't actually tried this yet, so this are just suggestions into the (hopefully) right direction ;-)


 Post subject: Thanks a lot!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:43 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:57 am
Posts: 10
Thanks a lot,
It works!

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