In fact, it might even be easier than doing an HQL query in this scenario.
Say a User has many Addresses. If I know the primary key of the User, I can just load the User directly.
User user = (User)session.load(User.class, 1); // something like that
Then, all of the associated addresses are available through that user isntance, so I could do somthing like this:
Address primaryAddress = user.getAddresses().get(0); //something like that
One thing I will say is that your Hibernate Session will need to be open as you loop through the addresses. Don't close your session too early, or you'll get a LazyInitializationException, and we hate those!
Here's a great little tutorial on mapping one to many relationships. If you're new to Hibernate, you'll find it really useful. Check out the link on How Hibernate Works as well.