I have got 2 tables jobs and person, which I need to map.
jobId (pk)
<many-to-one name="person" class="Person" cascade="none" fetch="join" unique="false" property-ref="mailId">
<column unique="false" name="lastUpdateUser" length="16" not-null="true" />
id (pk)
Now i need to map lastUpdateUser in jobs to mailId in person, and the problem is neither of them is unique.
So what it says is that I will have a many-to-one relation from jobs to person, conditioning that i check the flag values.
I am querying using criteria api as follows
session.createCriteria(Jobs.class).createAlias("person", "lastUpdateUser", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN)
.add(Restrictions.eq("lastUpdateUser.flag1", new Short((short) 1)))
.add(Restrictions.eq("lastUpdateUser.flag2", new Short((short) 1)))
.add(Restrictions.eq("lastUpdateUser.flag3", new Short((short) 1)))
When i execute this i see in logs that the generated sql is correct as i want it to be (matching lastUpdateUser in jobs to mailId in person). but after that hibernate executes another sql(as in logs)
select * from person where mailId=?
which end up giving hibernate multiple results since mailId is not unique and then hibernate throws this exception which crashes my app.
org.hibernate.HibernateException: More than one row with the given identifier was found: turka, for class:
Is there any way to tell hibernate to not execute the second(which i think checks if referenced parameter - mailId is unique or not). or may be some other way to map a column to another column that is not unique.
Any hints wd be highly appreciated.