I have following in the hibernate mapping file...
<hibernate-mapping .....> <class="CustomerImpl" table="cutomer"> <id name="customerNo" not-null="true" unique="true" sql-type="INTEGER"> <column name="c_cno"> </id> ...
<join table="customerExtn"> <key column="cx_cno" unique="true"/> ... </join> </class>
<sql-query name="customers.for.address"> <return alias="cust" class="CustomerImpl" /> <![CDATA[ select {cust.*} from customer cust where cust.c_cno in (select ca.ca_cno from custAddresses ca where lower(ca.ca_address) like lower(:address)) ]]> </sql-query> </hibernate-mapping>
Now, The problem is my CustomerImpl class maps to 2 tables 'customer' and 'customerExtn'.
When the specified <sql-query> is formed on the run time it looks something like...
select cust.c_cno, cust.c_cname, ..., cust_1_.deptNo from customer cust where cust.c_cno in (select ca.ca_cno from custAddresses ca where lower(ca.ca_address) like lower(?))
It throws an error saying 'cust_1_' can not be referenced. It is trying refer to the 'customerExtn' table but customerExtn table is not referenced in the 'From clause' inspite of specifying the <join> in the 'CustomerImpl' class.
I have done a nasty hack to make it work. Looks like...
From customer cust join customerExtn cust_1_ on cust.c_cno=cust_1_.ca_cno
But, this is not an ideal solution as 'cust_1_' is generated by hibernate at the run time.
Has anyone come across something of this sort before?
Please do let me know if there is a way around it.
Many Thanks,