cablepuff wrote:
I have a class "foo" that is indexed using pure lucene indexing because is a third party jar file.
I am not quite sure what you mean with that? Did you write your own indexing framework? Can you maybe elaborate what you mean?
cablepuff wrote:
Than i have class bar that has foo as a many-to-one foreign key. How do i indexed
@Indexed (index="Bar")
class Bar
Integer id;
private Foo foo;
What do i do for foo?
Normally you would index Foo as @IndexedEmbedded, but this implies that you also annotate the indexable fields in Foo. However, you say Foo is part of an external library? How does this work really? How is Foo mapped on an entity level if you don't have control over it?
Maybe you could write a own wrapper class for Foo which you then can annotate?