Hello All,
I have a hierarchy of classes that is mapped to a single table, and each of then is identified by the values given in discriminator-value in my hbm file.
This is the class level field called "status". What I would like to do is to insert a row with one subclass and update that row with another subclass.
I can update the row by doing the following:-
by keeping their id fields to the same value. All relevent fields are updated except the discriminator field. Therefore, when I retrive the object for that row it returns object of type Subclass1 and not Subclass2.
Hibernate simply ignores the updation of this field. Does hibernate not allow this, or is there a configuration level change that I need to make in order to force the updation of the discriminator field?
My hibernate version, mapping document, etc
Hibernate version:3.0 Mapping documents:Code:
<hibernate-mapping package="com.csam.wsc.enabling.core.ota">
<class name="OTAAppState" table="wsc_app_lifecycle" discriminator-value="-1">
<id name="id" column="id" type="long" access="field">
<generator class="increment"></generator>
<discriminator column="status" type="int" />
<property name="mobileNumber" column="mobilenumber" type="string" access="field"></property>
<property name="vendor" column="vendor" type="string" access="field"></property>
<property name="model" column="model" type="string" access="field"></property>
<property name="ipAddress" column="ipaddress" type="string" access="field"></property>
<property name="appVersion" column="appversion" type="string" access="field"></property>
<property name="tsEnrollment" column="tsenrollment" type="long" access="field"></property>
<property name="tsDownload" column="tsdownload" type="long" access="field"></property>
<property name="tsInstall" column="tsinstall" type="long" access="field"></property>
<property name="tsUninstall" column="tsuninstall" type="long" access="field"></property>
<property name="tsLastUpdate" column="tslastupdate" type="long" access="field"></property>
<property name="installCode" column="installcode" type="int" access="field"></property>
<property name="enrollmentChannel" column="enrollmentchannel" type="int" access="field"></property>
<subclass name="OTAAppEnrollmentState" discriminator-value="1" dynamic-update="true" />
<subclass name="OTAAppDownloadState" discriminator-value="2" dynamic-update="true"/>
<subclass name="OTAAppInstallState" discriminator-value="3" dynamic-update="true"/>
<subclass name="OTAAppUninstallState" discriminator-value="4" dynamic-update="true"/>
Name and version of the database you are using:MySQL v5.0
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):Hibernate: update wsc_app_lifecycle set mobilenumber=?, vendor=?, model=?, ipaddress=?, appversion=?, tsenrollment=?, tsdownload=?, tsinstall=?, tsuninstall=?, tslastupdate=?, installcode=?, enrollmentchannel=? where id=?
Note:- In the above SQL, the "status" field which is the discriminator is nowhere to be seen. This is the field that is ignored.