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 Post subject: Application stops on concurrent access
PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:51 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:48 am
Posts: 1
I am developing an application which makes use of JSF framework (using Facelets-1.1.13 for the view-Handler and Spring Webflow-1.0.5 for enforcing navigation rules and managing application state) and hibernate for relational persistence (MYSQL 5).

On concurrent access the the application works normally for a short duration (around five minutes) after which it stops running, with the following log

[CachingMapDecorator] For key 'setupForm', returning cached value: public org.springframework.webflow.execution.Event org.springframework.webflow.action.FormAction.setu pForm(org.springframework.webflow.execution.Reques tContext) throws java.lang.Exception
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] Executing setupForm
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] Creating new form object with name 'productServicesInfoBean'
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] Creating new instance of form object class [class com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.dellas.otherservices. web.ProductServicesInfoBean]
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] Putting form object of type [class com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.dellas.otherservices. web.ProductServicesInfoBean] in scope Flow with name 'productServicesInfoBean'
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] Creating new form errors for object with name 'productServicesInfoBean'
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] No property editor registrar set, no custom editors to register
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] Putting form errors instance in scope Flash
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] Action 'UtilityAction' completed execution; result is 'success'
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler' , returning cached value: org.springframework.core.ReflectiveVisitorHelper$C lassVisitMethods@773ac1
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class org.springframework.webflow.action.LocalBeanInvoki ngAction', returning cached value: java.lang.String org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler. visit(java.lang.Object)
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler' , returning cached value: org.springframework.core.ReflectiveVisitorHelper$C lassVisitMethods@773ac1
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class org.springframework.webflow.core.collection.LocalA ttributeMap', returning cached value: java.lang.String org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler. visit(java.lang.Object)
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler' , returning cached value: org.springframework.core.ReflectiveVisitorHelper$C lassVisitMethods@773ac1
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class java.util.HashMap', returning cached value: java.lang.String org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler. visit(java.util.Map)
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [ActionExecutor] Executing start [AnnotatedAction@19b78d4 targetAction = org.springframework.webflow.action.LocalBeanInvoki ngAction@19bba3, attributes = map[[empty]]] for flow 'apostilles-flow'
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [LocalBeanInvokingAction] Action 'LocalBeanInvokingAction' beginning execution
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'getStates()', returning cached value: public java.util.List com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.dellas.action.common. BaseAction.getStates() throws com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.dellas.common.MycorpB aseException
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler' , returning cached value: org.springframework.core.ReflectiveVisitorHelper$C lassVisitMethods@773ac1
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [CachingMapDecorator] For key 'class [Ljava.lang.Object;', returning cached value: java.lang.String org.springframework.core.style.DefaultValueStyler. visit(java.lang.Object)
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [MethodInvoker] Invoking method with signature [getStates()] with arguments array<Object>[[empty]] on bean [com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.dellas.action.otherse rvices.UtilityAction@1c6c5b7]
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [UtilityAction] start BaseAction.getStates() Method
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [SessionFactoryUtils] Opening Hibernate Session
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [SessionImpl] opened session at timestamp: 12060930493
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [QueryPlanCache] located HQL query plan in cache (select s.code, s.description from com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.nova.common.data.mode l.ordermanagement.State as s)
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [QueryPlanCache] located HQL query plan in cache (select s.code, s.description from com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.nova.common.data.mode l.ordermanagement.State as s)
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [HQLQueryPlan] find: select s.code, s.description from com.intuit.fbi.mycorporation.nova.common.data.mode l.ordermanagement.State as s
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [QueryParameters] named parameters: {}
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [AbstractBatcher] about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 6)
2008-03-21 15:20:49,356 DEBUG @http- [ConnectionManager] opening JDBC connection

Can someone please tell me what might be the cause ?

Thanks in Advance

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:40 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:38 am
Posts: 287
maybe the database connections aren't released, and you hit some kind of maximum in the connection pool or the database itself?

Just an idea

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Schauderhaft: Softwaredevelopment, Projectmanagement, Qualitymanagement and all things "schauderhaft"

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