I'm a newbee if you want in hibernate transactions and I'm getting NOWHERE.
I realy need help
I'm using seam 2.0.1.GA but seam wants to manage all transactions for me
within my applicatio n I need to ACCEPT or REFUSE ALL and this is UNACCEPTABLE FOR ME
what I WANT TO DO is
DO what I NEED with my database
But in any CASE CONTINUE with the rest of the loop
Seam seamingly can not handle that, since it wants the full controll
over the transactions, it adds an overall transaction that times out
and or falls over the rollback and I am DEAD.
For this reason I judged it is needed to KILL all SEAM INTERVENTION
The persistance.xml still indicates JTA and JTATransactions.
<persistence-unit name="httpscan" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"/>
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="validate"/>
<property name="hibernate.show_sql?" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.format_sql?" value="true"/>
<property name="jboss.entity.manager.factory.jndi.name" value="java:/scanEntityManagerFactory"/>
<!-- These are the default for JBoss EJB3, but not for HEM: -->
<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" value="org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider"/>
<property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" value="20"/>
<!-- <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory"/>
<property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JbossTransactionManagerLookup"/> -->
<core:init debug="@debug@" jndi-pattern="@jndiPattern@" transaction-management-enabled="false" />
<core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="5000000"
<transaction:no-transaction />
<persistence:managed-persistence-context name="entityManager"
now I've the hard Job of setting things up again
I assume I have no container transaction management
and I see at least 3 different ways to use transactions and transaction defintions..
A) I assume I can still use the incected entityManager from seam (CAN I????)
at least I do not need to use JNDI as well
I have an entitymanager but I do not think I can access entity managerFactory
B) CAN I use transactions, directly handling queries& updates with the entityManger
setupTransaction however I need to do it ...
commit transaction...
I want , if possible to know how I can setup the transactionFactory so I
can define a transaction, Ive tried but I get all kinds of complains
to much to state here.
What do I need ?
A transaction factory ???
A transaction getting from somewhere
A transaction begin if htat is not the same as above
what I want to do
is stated in the beginning
I need to creat different SEparate transaction contexts that I can rollback or commit
without stopping the loop, or put any punischment on the next transaction in the loop.
C) The seam manual seems to indicate I can not use the entityManager as stated in B
is this true ???? or am I mistaken
D) Seam seams to insinuate I need to delegate to a session
A'm troubled here since what ias the use of having a session at this stage
using the session the Hibernate Calls (queries )are changing format so I guess
I'm not using JTA any more but plain Hibernate right ????
E) in any case I tried it as well but without any real luck.
As I create the session, i can get a transaction and begin a transaction.
I never found out what the differnce was (setup/initiate transaction ,,, versus the begin
possible , but I get troubled with
TransactionException err: Could not register synchronization for container transaction
I thought using delegation I got rid of the container Transaction.
as You can see I'm in a mess now.
D) is there a way to find out what to do next
eventualy an example on how to setup the transaction system starting from seam
(as I use JNDI, I get into a simmular mess anyhow)
I'm fully blocked at this stage and getting more and more confused,
can anyone please give me a hint to get out of this mess
Thanks in advance