Hibernate version:3.2.0.cr4
Hibernate Tools version:3.2.0.GA
Database: Oracle 10
We're reverse engineering pojos and the hibernate.cfg.xml file. We also have separate database 'regions'. i.e. we'll have a CLIENT_DEV schema and CLIENT_PROD schema.
For that reason, we specifically don't set hibernate.default_schema - that way we can use the same persistence layer throughout the regions.
However, without hibernate.default_schema set, this type of class definition for the table in the reveng.xml file seems to have no effect:
<table name="USR" class="com.mycompany.myproj.persistence.User">
<generator class="sequence" >
<param name="sequence">USR_SEQ</param>
What I mean is the tools generate a Usr.java file instead of the desired User.java file. Again, setting default_schema allows the code generation to happen as expected.
Any assistance in clearing up my confusion would be appreciated.