Hibernate version: 3.2
Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5.1
Framework JSF 1.2, Tomcat 6.0.14, Unified EL
I have found Hibernate extremely easy to implement. However there are three things that I am unable to find good documentation on or user input relating to Hibernate and JSF. All of my questions are based off the following code.
//Figure 1
Public class Foo implements java.io.Serializeable {
private Integer fooId;
private String description;
private Bar bar;
public Foo() {
public Foo(String description, Bar bar) {
public Integer getFooId() {
return this.fooId;
public void setFooId(Integer fooId) {
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
public Bar getBar() {
return this.bar;
public void setBar(Bar bar) {
Public class Bar implements java.io.Serializeable {
private Integer barId;
private String description;
private Set foos = new HashSet(0);
public Bar() {
public Bar(String description,Set foos) {
public Integer getBarId() {
return this.barId;
public void setBarId(Integer barId) {
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
public Set getFoos() {
return this.foos;
public void setFoos(Set foos) {
1) When using an Unified EL expression such as #{Foo.Bar.description} is it best to instantiate the Bar oject in Foo's get so as to prevent a null reference? The objects are cascade="save-update" For example:
public Bar getBar() {
if (this.bar==null) {
this.bar=new Bar()';
return this.bar;
or just initialize it in the object's constructor or variable declaration, for example.
private String description;
private Bar bar = new Bar();
public Foo() {
2) When using Hibernate with JSF is it best to subclass the object when using EL? Thus turning it into a bean/backing-bean. The EL would be #{Foo.description}
with the above Fig.1 sample would be modified to:
//Figure 2
Public class FooBase implements java.io.Serializeable {
Public class BarBase implements java.io.Serializeable {
Public class Foo extends FooBase {
//implement Bean for JSF
Public class Bar extends BarBase {
or EL could be #{FooBean.foo.description} with the Fig. 1 sample plus
//Figure 3
Public class FooBean {
public Foo foo=new Foo();
public Foo getFoo() {
return this.foo;
public void setFoo(Foo foo) {
//implement the rest of the Bean
I would think that subclassing is desireable from an upgradeability viewpoint.
3) Is there a way to instantiate an object when the collection is empty? Given the EL #{Bar.Foos[0]} where we have a Bar object and an empty Set Foo.
It doesn't seem right to do
//Figure 4
public Set getFoos() {
if (this.foos.size()==0)
this.foos.add(new Foo());
return this.foos;
as we don't know what size it should be initially. I would have thought that Hibernate would take care of the instantiation of the object Foo when Bar is a new object (not in the database) and the Set of Foos was empty. If this is possible, I cannot seem to get this working with any combination of lazy loading/Hibernate.initialize and the documentation doesn't (as far as I can tell) tell me that this can be done. It may lazy load objects that only exist in the database.
If it is not right to do Figure 4 then creating a Bean to handle the page detail and object creation when necessary as shown in Figure 3 seems to be the best choice such that when an empty Set is retrieved and object is created. There would be a potential duplication of getter/setters mapping to the Hibernate objects when using it as a backing bean.