Hi all,
I'm quite desperate using criteria queries. I just want to do something like this:
select a.name, a.description
from t_elem a, t_val b
a.elem_id = b.elem_id and
b.date >= TO_DATE('20071109','YYYYMMDD')
It's a simple join, that I cannot make with criteria. I've tried two possibilites, but doesn't work:
List listaElements = HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ElementoValorVO.class).setProjection(
.add(Restrictions.ge(ConstantesHibernate.FECHA_ALTA, criteriosTipologia.getFechaActualizacion()))
Criteria criteria = HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(PersonaResumenVO.class)
This seems to work like a left join.
The second try was like the first, but the join was:
Criteria criteria = HibernateUtil.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ElementoVO.class)
.createCriteria("listaElementos", CriteriaSpecification.INNER_JOIN);
Of course, this one crashes and throws an Exception telling me 'could not resolver property: listaElementos', which is just a List and not an element of the class to join.
How can I make that query using criteria, thanks!!
Ups... I forgot to tell that I'm using hibernate 3, and sorry for my english ;)