I draw a bit of a diagram to help show what I'm looking to try to do.
Basic Parent/Child Structure - Note multiple children of the parent...
| Main |
| Id <PK>|
| ... |
^ ^ ^
+------+-----+ +-----+------+ +-----+------+
| Child1 | | Child2 | | ChildN |
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| Id <PK> | | Id <PK> | | Id <PK> |
| MainId <FK>| | MainId <FK>| | MainId <FK>|
| ... | | ... | | ... |
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+
Now throw the wrench in:
| Info |
| Id <PK> |
| RelatedId <*> |
| ... |
RelatedId is an <any> mapping to the Id of any of the "Child" objects, OR the Main object itself.
Any thoughts?