Gosh that was sooo easy.
For anybody else, here's the scoop.
I want to create a Custom Data Type in PostgreSQL capable of storing a combination of local currency amount, currency code, exchange rate and base currency amount.
So in psql ...
CREATE TYPE mymoney AS (
local_value numeric(11,2),
mnemonic character(3),
exchange_rate numeric(11,2),
base_value numeric(11,2)
CREATE TABLE expense (id serial, amount mymoney);
To map this to Hibernate, the most important thing to do is make sure that the class for MyMoney implements org.postgresql.util.PGobject, overriding methods as necessary.
The mapping is done with
public class MoneyUserType implements UserType {
public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet resultSet, String[] names, Object owner)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
assert names.length == 1;
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
return null;
final Money money = new Money(resultSet.getObject(names[0]).toString());
return money;
public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement statement, Object value, int index)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
statement.setObject(index, value);
//NB This is an abbreviation of my actual class
So now I can simply do ...
Expense expense = new Expense();
expense.setAmount(new Money("(100,PHP,.90,111.11)"));
hbm.xml contains
<property name="amount" type="hibnoa.MoneyUserType">
<column name="price" sql-type="MONEY_TY"/>
I realise that by extending PGobject, I've made my code database dependent. Hopefully at some point the PostgreSQL JDBC driver will support SQLdata in which case there is a portable alternative available. In the meantime it would take all the wild horses in Argentina to make me change database so that's not really an issue.