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 Post subject: Validation hangs on impl.SessionFactoryImpl
PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:51 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:36 am
Posts: 2
Hi guys.
I trying to figure out what is the difference of behavior on 3 different computers where I try to run my hibernate application.
On 2 of them the web application runs perfectly. On the last on, the application (and thus the whole catalina service) hangs and freeze.

First of all, these are tech details on all servers:
- java web application
- struts framework
- hibernate 3
- database is Postgresql 8
- java is 1.6 update 10
- tomcat is 5.5.25
- right jdbc from Postgresql
All the libraries are updated to the latest version available nowadays at Dec 4 2007.

first computer:
dev laptop (Centrino Duo i686).
Hibernate validation works great and web context is served well. App works fine.

second computer
test laptop (Centrino i686)
Hibernate validation works great and web context is served well. App works fine

third computer
production server (Xeon dual processor x86_64)

Looking at the catalina.out while my app is called, the service hangs at the following line:
35484002 [TP-Processor3] INFO impl.SessionFactoryImpl - building session factory.
In DEBUG mode, after that line, I get the following messages:
9081982 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] DEBUG session.ManagerBase - Start expire sessions StandardManager at 1196550580205 sessioncount 0
9081982 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] DEBUG session.ManagerBase - End expire sessions StandardManager processingTime 0 expired sessions: 0

These two lines are printend in loop in catalina.out and nothing happens. The result is that catalina service is freezed and no further request can be served and other webapps are freezed.

Do you think it is a Catalina or Hibernate problem?
If the libraries ( java, hibernate, jdbc and so on....) are the same on the 3 machines, how can I understand where/what is the "undercovered" problem that keep my production server blocked when hibernate application loads?

Any idea, discussion or help is well appreciated.

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