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 Post subject: Discriminator usages
PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:35 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:12 pm
Posts: 6
Sorry for the multiple posts; Its was done by mistake
Following is the most updated question with an example:

I want to create an object that holds two lists; the lists are holding the same object type and they are being filtered according to type.
For example:
I have one class called Person which is connect to one table.
The members of the Person class are id,name and sex.
Now I want to create a new object (lets say Company) that holds two lists one for males and the other for females.
I don't want to define different classes for male and female; I want to be able to do it with the class Person only.

Attached is an exmple for classes I want to represet
class Person
Long id;
String name;
String sex;

Class Company
List males; //Each Item type is Person (where sex='Male')
List famles; //Each Item type is Person (Where sex='Female')

How can I definte it with hibrenate mapping?

Thanks in advance for your help

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