So I have a cron job running every night that re-index all objects from my DB (13,000 with nested indexed collections).
I noticed that after each re-index, the index doubles in size.
I was hopping that when indexing twice the same object and nest collection, Lucene was updating the existing entry and not creating a new one.
But the interesting thing is that I don't get duplicates when doing a search.
I have optimization turned on to run after 1000 updates.
I could delete all the files before the re-index but then that would disrupt the master/slave config.
Any suggestion?
If calling the optimization manually in my code it works fine and the index shrinks in half: searchFactory.optimize();
But if I try to use the properties it does not seem to work:
<property name="hibernate.search.default.optimizer.operation_limit.max">1000</property>
<property name="hibernate.search.default.optimizer.transaction_limit.max">100</property>