I'm trying to write a generic method that receives as argument a class and his primary key, and constructs a Select with fetch all properties.
I'm testing this with a simple example.
I have an entity AdmLanguage that have a OneToMany (with FetchType. LAZY) relationship with a entity AdmResources.
I'm writing the query:
SELECT t FROM AdmLanguage t FETCH ALL PROPERTIES WHERE t.languageid = 1
I'm getting the result query:
select admlanguag0_.languageId as languageId12_, admlanguag0_.description as descript2_12_, admlanguag0_.languageCode as language3_12_
from ADM_Language admlanguag0_
where admlanguag0_.languageId=1
Shouldn't this "Fetch All properties" take all the resources associated to the language either?