I've set up a little website at
http://www.cs.umb.edu/~eoneil/orm to post a small system of possible interest as a second example for Hibernate, but mainly to explore the similarities and differences between Hibernate and the new Microsoft Entity Data Model. The site also has detailed instructions on how to set up EDM from the free beta-test offerings, as well as the much simpler case of Hibernate setup.
From the home page:
It is a system for ordering free pizza to be delivered to a certain room number, say in a dormitory. The "student" user has choices of pizza size and toppings, so each order has one size and a set of toppings. The "admin" can add and delete toppings and sizes, make pizzas marked baked, finish off a day and start another, etc. Although the system is simple, it is implemented with the layered architecture of larger apps, with a transactional service layer called upon by the presentation layer, the user interface code. The presentation layer is provided in two versions for each O/R mapping framework, a line-oriented UI and a web app with server-side scripting in JSP 2.0/ASP.NET. In both cases, Hibernate and EDM, the same service layer implementation works for both presentation layers.
Let me know your comments--have I followed proper O/R design? I'm hoping to do a presentation to database researchers in the future, with this system as an example.