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 Post subject: Problem with PostgreSQL using uppercase letters in tables
PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:41 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:00 am
Posts: 12
Location: Austria, Vienna

I have problems using Hibernate tools when using upper case letters in a PostgreSQL database.

My configuration: Eclipse 3.3.0, Hibernate Tools 3.2.0 beta9a, PostgreSql 8.2 and JDBC driver postgresql-8.2-506.jdbc3.jar.

I can configure Hibernate Tools for my local PostgreSql installation without any problems. I can access the table structure in the view Hibernate Configurations and do reverse engineering by creating XML mappings and beans. No problem.

But when I'm using upper case characters in table names Hibernate Tools can't access the table structures any more. Hibernate Configuration shows the tables, but when I want to see the columns, it doesn't show anything. Reverse engineering also doesn't work any more.

So, the following works:

TABLE cms_clusterMessage


The following doesn't work:

TABLE cms_clusterMessage


I tried to use different JDBC drivers because I thought it could be a bug of the driver. But it wasn't.

Please note that I'm using PostgreSQL on Windows at the moment. Don't know if it behaves different if installed on Unix/Linux!?


RĂ¼diger Engelberger

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:14 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:10 am
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Location: Neuchatel, Switzerland (Danish)
looks like postgressql is inconsistent in its handling of jdbc metadata - report it as an bug if it is still an issue in latest release (b11)

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 Post subject: Same behaviour when using 3.2.0 Beta11
PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:59 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:00 am
Posts: 12
Location: Austria, Vienna

I installed the newest Release 3.2.0 Beta11 ... nothing changed.

So I'll report it as a bug.


RĂ¼diger Engelberger

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