jeusdi wrote:
What about Access 97 connection? Are there problems?
I'd say do a quick test using the jet connection driver class. Looks like most testing is on 2003/Jet 4.0, so I imagine that you might discover issues. I also imagine that not too many people would be interested in looking too deep into 97, since it's use is greatly diminished. Just make sure that you have the correct Jet ODBC driver version in the Provider attribute of your connection string.
Just grab a sample NHibernate/Access project (like this, use it to help with initial configuration, point to your DB, write a few unit tests and see if it does what you need. Someone may come along with a definitive answer, but I'd say your best bet for expediency sake is to test it yourself. If it does work the way you want respond and let us may help others.[/url]