I am very new to Hibernate, and stuck with some issue.
1) I have net.sf.hibernate.* package APIs in my project , Where as when i see Hibernate examples in the Hibernate book they have examples using org.hibernate.* . So my first question is "what is the difference between two?"
2) I want to able to execute the following query
select max(Time) from MyTable where primaryKey = 22;
Since this involves both projections and Expressions, i was trying to see if projections can be used with net.sf.hibernate.* over the internet and found that net.sf.hibernate.* do not support projectios ( max, avg...) so is there a way to be able to execute the above SQL query using net.sf.hibernate.* ?
Note my project does not have org.Hibernate.* and has only net.sf.hibernate.* Since am new to Hibernate am not able to express myself correctly with hibernate terms.
Any help is appreciated.