I am using the javax.persistence.OrderBy.
There is no stack trace, when I turn on full hibernate logging I get below:
[I will put code in separate post]
11:14:44,741 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:202 - Look up for persistence unit: h-source
11:14:44,741 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:214 - Analyse of persistence.xml: jar:file:/D:/ta20April/build/persistence.jar!/META-INF/persistence.xml
11:14:44,788 DEBUG PersistenceXmlLoader:156 - Persistent Unit name from persistence.xml: h-source
11:14:44,788 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:221 - PersistenceMetadata [
name: h-source
jtaDataSource: null
nonJtaDataSource: null
transactionType: RESOURCE_LOCAL
provider: null
hbmfiles: 0
hibernate.connection.username: o2kuser
hibernate.connection.password: o2kuser
hibernate.cache.provider_class: org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider
hibernate.dialect: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.dialects.TaSQLServerDialect
hibernate.connection.url: jdbc:sqlserver://opc151:1433;DatabaseName=test_garageDB;forwardReadOnlyMetehod=serverCursor
hibernate.show_sql: true
hibernate.connection.driver_class: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
11:14:44,804 DEBUG JarVisitor:91 - JAR URL from URL Entry: jar:file:/D:/ta20April/build/persistence.jar!/META-INF/persistence.xml >> file:/D:/ta20April/build/persistence.jar
11:14:44,804 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:553 - Detect class: true; detect hbm: true
11:14:44,819 DEBUG JarVisitor:218 - Searching mapped entities in jar/par: file:/D:/ta20April/build/persistence.jar
11:14:44,819 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.EntityFactory
11:14:44,882 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.InstanceGenerator$1
11:14:44,882 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.InstanceGenerator$DB2InstanceCreater
11:14:44,882 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.InstanceGenerator$InstanceCreater
11:14:44,882 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.InstanceGenerator$OracleInstanceCreater
11:14:44,897 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.InstanceGenerator$SQLServerInstanceCreater
11:14:44,897 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.InstanceGenerator
11:14:44,897 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.TaEntityManagerFactory
11:14:44,897 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.BaseEntity
11:14:44,929 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.BaseEntity
11:14:44,929 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid
11:14:44,929 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid
11:14:44,929 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPADateTime
11:14:44,929 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPADateTime
11:14:44,929 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPAEntity
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPAEntity
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPAMoney
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPAMoney
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPAUser
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.JPAUser
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.dialects.TaSQLServerDialect
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.CarPart
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Customer
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Customer
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Employee
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Employee
11:14:44,944 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Mechanic
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Mechanic
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:309 - Java element filter matched for com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.AnyTest
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.BulkPOJOTests
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.JPAEnumTests
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.JPARelsTests
11:14:44,960 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.JPATestUtils
11:14:44,975 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.JPATests
11:14:44,975 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.JPAUsageTests$QueryPersonThread
11:14:44,975 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.JPAUsageTests$ThreadUpdate
11:14:44,975 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.JPAUsageTests
11:14:44,975 DEBUG JarVisitor:258 - Filtering: com.fineos.ta3g.test.jpatests.POJOTests
11:14:44,975 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:553 - Detect class: true; detect hbm: true
11:14:44,975 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:154 - Creating Factory: h-source
11:14:45,022 DEBUG AnnotationConfiguration:244 - Execute first pass mapping processing
11:14:45,132 DEBUG AnnotationConfiguration:481 - Process hbm files
11:14:45,132 DEBUG AnnotationConfiguration:489 - Process annotated classes
11:14:45,132 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person
11:14:45,194 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=Person
11:14:45,210 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person on table TPerson
11:14:45,210 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person property annotation
11:14:45,241 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person property annotation
11:14:45,241 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person field annotation
11:14:45,257 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person field annotation
11:14:45,257 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person.pk
11:14:45,272 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column pk unique false
11:14:45,272 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1207 - pk is an id
11:14:45,272 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1705 - Binding component with path: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Person.pk
11:14:45,272 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid field annotation
11:14:45,272 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.c
11:14:45,272 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column c unique false
11:14:45,288 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property c with lazy=false
11:14:45,288 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for c
11:14:45,288 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property c
11:14:45,304 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading c with null
11:14:45,304 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.i
11:14:45,304 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column i unique false
11:14:45,304 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property i with lazy=false
11:14:45,304 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for i
11:14:45,304 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property i
11:14:45,304 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading i with null
11:14:45,304 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property pk
11:14:45,304 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading pk with null
11:14:45,304 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1244 - Bind @EmbeddedId on pk
11:14:45,304 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Employee
11:14:45,304 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=Employee
11:14:45,304 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Employee on table TEmployee
11:14:45,335 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Employee field annotation
11:14:45,335 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Mechanic
11:14:45,335 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=Mechanic
11:14:45,335 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Mechanic on table TMechanic
11:14:45,335 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Mechanic field annotation
11:14:45,335 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Mechanic.email
11:14:45,335 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column email unique false
11:14:45,335 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property email with lazy=false
11:14:45,335 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for email
11:14:45,335 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property email
11:14:45,335 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading email with null
11:14:45,335 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Mechanic.grade
11:14:45,335 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column grade unique false
11:14:45,335 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property grade with lazy=false
11:14:45,335 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for grade
11:14:45,335 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property grade
11:14:45,335 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading grade with null
11:14:45,335 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company
11:14:45,350 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
11:14:45,350 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=Company
11:14:45,350 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company on table TCompany
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company property annotation
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company property annotation
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company field annotation
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company field annotation
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company.pk
11:14:45,350 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column pk unique false
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1207 - pk is an id
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1705 - Binding component with path: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Company.pk
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid field annotation
11:14:45,350 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.c
11:14:45,350 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column c unique false
11:14:45,350 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property c with lazy=false
11:14:45,350 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for c
11:14:45,350 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property c
11:14:45,366 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading c with null
11:14:45,366 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.i
11:14:45,366 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column i unique false
11:14:45,366 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property i with lazy=false
11:14:45,366 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for i
11:14:45,366 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property i
11:14:45,366 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading i with null
11:14:45,366 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property pk
11:14:45,366 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading pk with null
11:14:45,366 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1244 - Bind @EmbeddedId on pk
11:14:45,366 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder
11:14:45,366 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
11:14:45,366 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=WorkOrder
11:14:45,366 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder on table TWorkOrder
11:14:45,366 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder property annotation
11:14:45,366 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder property annotation
11:14:45,382 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder field annotation
11:14:45,382 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder field annotation
11:14:45,397 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder.pk
11:14:45,397 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column pk unique false
11:14:45,397 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1207 - pk is an id
11:14:45,397 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1705 - Binding component with path: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder.pk
11:14:45,397 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid field annotation
11:14:45,397 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.c
11:14:45,397 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column c unique false
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property c with lazy=false
11:14:45,413 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for c
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property c
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading c with null
11:14:45,413 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.i
11:14:45,413 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column i unique false
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property i with lazy=false
11:14:45,413 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for i
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property i
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading i with null
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property pk
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading pk with null
11:14:45,413 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1244 - Bind @EmbeddedId on pk
11:14:45,413 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder.bigDecimalType
11:14:45,413 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column BIGDECIMALTYP unique false
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property bigDecimalType with lazy=false
11:14:45,413 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for bigDecimalType
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property bigDecimalType
11:14:45,413 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading bigDecimalType with null
11:14:45,413 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder.mechanics
11:14:45,413 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column C_WKORDER_WORKERS unique false
11:14:45,429 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column I_WKORDER_WORKERS unique false
11:14:45,429 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column mechanics unique false
11:14:45,429 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
11:14:45,491 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column element unique false
11:14:45,491 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column mapkey unique false
11:14:45,491 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
11:14:45,491 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
11:14:45,491 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
11:14:45,491 DEBUG CollectionBinder:287 - Collection role: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder.mechanics
11:14:45,507 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property mechanics
11:14:45,507 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading mechanics with none
11:14:45,507 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address
11:14:45,507 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
11:14:45,507 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=Address
11:14:45,507 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address on table TAddress
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address property annotation
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address property annotation
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address field annotation
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address field annotation
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address.pk
11:14:45,507 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column pk unique false
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1207 - pk is an id
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1705 - Binding component with path: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Address.pk
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid field annotation
11:14:45,507 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.c
11:14:45,522 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column c unique false
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property c with lazy=false
11:14:45,522 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for c
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property c
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading c with null
11:14:45,522 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.i
11:14:45,522 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column i unique false
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property i with lazy=false
11:14:45,522 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for i
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property i
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading i with null
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property pk
11:14:45,522 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading pk with null
11:14:45,522 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1244 - Bind @EmbeddedId on pk
11:14:45,522 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Customer
11:14:45,522 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=Customer
11:14:45,522 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Customer on table TCustomer
11:14:45,522 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Customer field annotation
11:14:45,522 INFO AnnotationBinder:398 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car
11:14:45,522 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
11:14:45,522 DEBUG EntityBinder:292 - Import with entity name=Car
11:14:45,522 INFO EntityBinder:420 - Bind entity com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car on table TCar
11:14:45,522 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car property annotation
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car property annotation
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car field annotation
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car field annotation
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car.pk
11:14:45,538 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column pk unique false
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1207 - pk is an id
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1705 - Binding component with path: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.Car.pk
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:983 - Processing com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid field annotation
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.c
11:14:45,538 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column c unique false
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property c with lazy=false
11:14:45,538 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for c
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property c
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading c with null
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1086 - Processing annotations of com.fineos.ta3g.jpa.datatypes.EntityOid.i
11:14:45,538 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column i unique false
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:106 - binding property i with lazy=false
11:14:45,538 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:220 - building SimpleValue for i
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property i
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading i with null
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:128 - Building property pk
11:14:45,538 DEBUG PropertyBinder:172 - Cascading pk with null
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1244 - Bind @EmbeddedId on pk
11:14:45,538 DEBUG AnnotationConfiguration:375 - processing manytoone fk mappings
11:14:45,554 DEBUG Configuration:1120 - processing extends queue
11:14:45,554 DEBUG Configuration:1124 - processing collection mappings
11:14:45,554 DEBUG CollectionSecondPass:41 - Second pass for collection: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder.mechanics
11:14:45,554 DEBUG CollectionBinder:597 - Binding a OneToMany: com.fineos.ta3g.test.garage.WorkOrder.mechanics through a foreign key
Failed to invoke suite():javax.persistence.PersistenceException: java.lang.NullPointerException