Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply..
I have changed the LastChangeTs. Everytime, I change something in the record, I update LastChangeTs with the latest timestamp. This was the case so far and it worked fine..
I'm using the
I don't understand, why its creating problems now, though it was like this for some time..and was working fine....
2007-07-16 08:11:38,984 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: update SelfService.dbo.RegistrationEr set LastChangeTs=?, ChallengeQuestionCode=?, VRSId=?, Password=?, PasswordChangeRequired=?, ChallengeAnswer=?, RecordLocked=?, SourceOfLock=?, LockTs=?, LastChangeUser=?, Username=?, RegistrationTs=?, AccessCode=?, RegistrationStep=?, LastPasswordChangeDate=? where RegistrationErIdent=? and LastChangeTs=?
One more question, Is there a way to eliminate the LastChangeTs from the where clause..?? and make the generated sql as
2007-07-16 08:11:38,984 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: update SelfService.dbo.RegistrationEr set LastChangeTs=?, ChallengeQuestionCode=?, VRSId=?, Password=?, PasswordChangeRequired=?, ChallengeAnswer=?, RecordLocked=?, SourceOfLock=?, LockTs=?, LastChangeUser=?, Username=?, RegistrationTs=?, AccessCode=?, RegistrationStep=?, LastPasswordChangeDate=? where RegistrationErIdent=?
Please notice, the LastChangeTs is not present in the where clause..How can I achieve this..??