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 Post subject: plan for supporting reveng of table per subclass
PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:40 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:01 am
Posts: 2
I'm looking at adding the reverse engineering of table per subclass inheritance from the DB and I'd like some feedback on my plan.

1) If automatic feature is on, then if a table has column that is a PK and FK then consider it a subclass of the table referenced by the FK.

2) Add isSubclassDerivationKey attribute to the <foreign-key> element of reveng.xml. If present, used to override automatic setting or to set true when automatic setting is off.

3) Modify JDBCBinder.createPersistentClasses to create subclasses as appropriate using #1 and #2 above.

4) Modify EntityPOJOClass to add

5) Modify pojo/Ejb3TypeDeclaration.ftl to take advantage of new methods in #4.

6) Not sure how hbm2hbmxml needs to be changed.

I'd like to implement this as a patch to the tools. If that is acceptable, I'll add a JIRA.


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