i'm having some problems with Hibernates Criteria.
I have two classes related by an unidirectional many-to-many relation, from MacroTask to InterventionGroup.
My problem is that i can't project the InterventionGroups of the MacroTask with Hibernate Criterias.
Here is the code i use:
Session sess= HibernateUtil.getEsbSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Criteria c = sess.createCriteria(MacroTask.class);
List l = c.list();
The result is
[null, null, null, null, null]
But if i use Hql queries, things work well:
Session sess = HibernateUtil.getEsbSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Query c = sess.createQuery("select interventionGroups from MacroTask");
List l = c.list();
The result is this:
[ar.com.telecom.segat.model.InterventionGroup@1546dbc[ id=2 code=INS description=Instalador ], ar.com.telecom.segat.model.InterventionGroup@1546dbc[ id=2 code=INS description=Instalador ], ar.com.telecom.segat.model.InterventionGroup@1546dbc[ id=2 code=INS description=Instalador ], ar.com.telecom.segat.model.InterventionGroup@1546dbc[ id=2 code=INS description=Instalador ] ]
If i just list all the MacroTasks object with Criterias, the result is correct. If i project, not interventionGroup, but another property the result is right again.
I'll send you the sql query that Hibernate generates when i try to project with criteria:
select this_.ID_MACROTAREA as y0_ from AI_LKP_MACROTAREA this_
and when i try to project with Hql:
select interventi2_.ID_GR_INTERV as ID1_2_, interventi2_.COD_GRP_INTERV as COD2_2_, interventi2_.DES_GRP_INTERV as DES3_2_ from AI_LKP_MACROTAREA macrotask0_ inner join AI_REL_MACRO_GR_INTERV interventi1_ on macrotask0_.ID_MACROTAREA=interventi1_.ID_MACROTAREA inner join AI_LKP_GRUPO_INTERVENCION interventi2_ on interventi1_.ID_GR_INTERV=interventi2_.ID_GR_INTERV
And the mapping file:
<class name="ar.com.telecom.segat.model.MacroTask" table="AI_LKP_MACROTAREA"> <id name="id" column="ID_MACROTAREA"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="code" column="COD_MACROTAREA" length="10" not-null="true" unique="true"/> <property name="description" column="DES_MACROTAREA" length="40"/> <property name="operatorSourceField" column="CAMPO_ORIGEN_TECNICO"/> <set name="interventionGroups" table="AI_REL_MACRO_GR_INTERV" fetch="join"> <key column="ID_MACROTAREA" not-null="true" /> <many-to-many column="ID_GR_INTERV" class="ar.com.telecom.segat.model.InterventionGroup"/> </set> </class>
I think there is a bug here but i'd like to hear a more experience user.
Thank you all