Hi Emmanuel,
Judging by your comments, I guess I'm doing this almost right. I looked for a version mismatch problem; perhaps you can take a look. I'm using Seam 1.2.1 GA. I played around some with the JARs on my classpath, but still haven't gotten rid of the listener error.
Is Seam 1.2.1 incompatible Hibernate Search v3.0.0b3?
Following are my library JARs -- perhaps you can spot a problem. After those is the Glassfish trace.. thanks much.
From Seam 1.2.1
From Hibernate 3-2
hibernate3.jar and all JARs in the lib directory
From HibernateAnnotation 3.3.0GA
From HibernateEntityManager 3.3.1
From HibernateSearch 3.0.0.Beta3
Here's the Glassfish trace
Unresolved <ejb-link>: DepartmentItemFacade
Unresolved <ejb-link>: ProductClassItemFacade
Unresolved <ejb-link>: ProductSubclassItemFacade
App client jboss-seam.jar did not specify Main-Class in its manifest as described in the Java EE specification; no annotations in this app client will be processed
deployed with moduleid = UncleJoes
ADM1041:Sent the event to instance:[ApplicationDeployEvent -- enable UncleJoes]
12:49:02,031 INFO Version:15 - Hibernate EntityManager 3.2.0.CR1
12:49:02,062 INFO Version:15 - Hibernate Annotations 3.2.0.CR1
12:49:02,078 INFO Environment:499 - Hibernate 3.2 cr2
12:49:02,078 INFO Environment:532 - hibernate.properties not found
12:49:02,078 INFO Environment:666 - Bytecode provider name : cglib
12:49:02,093 INFO Environment:583 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
12:49:02,234 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:252 - Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [
name: UncleJoes-ejbPU
persistence provider classname: org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence
classloader: EJBClassLoader :
urlSet = [URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ToolCafeUtil.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ant-1.6.5.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ant-antlr-1.6.5.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ant-junit-1.6.5.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ant-swing-1.6.5.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/antlr-2.7.6.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/asm-attrs.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/asm.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/c3p0-0.9.1.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/cglib-2.1.3.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/checkstyle-all.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/cleanimports.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/commons-collections-2.1.1.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/commons-net-1.4.1.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/concurrent-1.3.2.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/connector.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/dom4j-1.6.1.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ehcache-1.2.3.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ejb3-persistence.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/el-api.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/el-ri.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/hibernate-all.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/hibernate-annotations.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/hibernate-entitymanager.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/hibernate-search.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/hibernate-validator.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/hibernate3.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jaas.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jacc-1_0-fr.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jammlibs.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/javassist.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jaxen-1.1-beta-7.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-cache-jdk50.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-cache.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-common.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-jmx.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-seam-ui.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-system.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jbpm-3.1.4.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jgroups-2.2.8.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jsf-facelets.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jsf-security.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jta.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/junit-3.8.1.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/log4j-1.2.11.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/lucene-core-2.1.0.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/oscache-2.1.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/ostermillerutils_1_06_01.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/proxool-0.8.3.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/swarmcache-1.0rc2.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/syndiag2.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/thirdparty-all.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/versioncheck.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/xerces-2.6.2.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/xml-apis.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/UncleJoes-ejb.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-seam.jar, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/UncleJoes-app-client_jar/, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/UncleJoes-ejb_jar/, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/g
lassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/jboss-seam_jar/, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/UncleJoes-war_war/WEB-INF/classes/, URLEntry : file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/generated/ejb/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/]
doneCalled = false
Parent -> EJBClassLoader :
urlSet = []
doneCalled = false
Parent -> java.net.URLClassLoader@25b72a
Temporary classloader: com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader$DelegatingClassLoader@1c6a50e
excludeUnlistedClasses: false
JTA datasource: com.sun.gjc.spi.jdbc40.DataSource40@7e7376
Non JTA datasource: com.sun.gjc.spi.jdbc40.DataSource40@1ce7664
Transaction type: JTA
PU root URL: file:/C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/UncleJoes/UncleJoes-ejb_jar/
Jar files URLs []
Managed classes names []
Mapping files names []
Properties [
hibernate.search.default.indexBase: e:\\rick\\projects\\UncleJoes\\lucene
hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
hibernate.search.default.directory_provider: org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider
hibernate.search.worker.backend: lucene
hibernate.search.worker.execution: sync
hibernate.search.autoregister_listeners: true
hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto: update
hibernate.search.reader.strategy: shared]
12:49:02,234 DEBUG Ejb3Configuration:476 - Detect class: true; detect hbm: true
12:49:02,406 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.admin.AdminSettings
12:49:02,421 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.Address
12:49:02,421 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem
12:49:02,437 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard
12:49:02,437 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.Department
12:49:02,437 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem
12:49:02,453 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.Order
12:49:02,453 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine
12:49:02,453 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr
12:49:02,453 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass
12:49:02,468 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.ProductSubclass
12:49:02,468 INFO Ejb3Configuration:583 - found EJB3 Entity bean: com.unclejoes.model.User
12:49:03,171 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:22 - trying to resolve system-id [file:///C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/orm_1_0.xsd]
12:49:03,171 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:42 - recognized local namespace; attempting to resolve on classpath
12:49:03,171 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:46 - unable to locate [file:///C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/orm_1_0.xsd] on classpath
12:49:03,187 DEBUG EJB3DTDEntityResolver:31 - recognized EJB3 ORM namespace; attempting to resolve on classpath under org/hibernate/ejb
12:49:03,187 DEBUG EJB3DTDEntityResolver:40 - located [file:///C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/orm_1_0.xsd] in classpath
12:49:04,515 INFO Configuration:502 - Reading mappings from resource: META-INF/orm.xml
12:49:04,531 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:22 - trying to resolve system-id [file:///C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/orm_1_0.xsd]
12:49:04,531 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:42 - recognized local namespace; attempting to resolve on classpath
12:49:04,531 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:46 - unable to locate [file:///C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/orm_1_0.xsd] on classpath
12:49:04,531 DEBUG EJB3DTDEntityResolver:31 - recognized EJB3 ORM namespace; attempting to resolve on classpath under org/hibernate/ejb
12:49:04,531 DEBUG EJB3DTDEntityResolver:40 - located [file:///C:/install.dsk/glassfishv2b41c/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/orm_1_0.xsd] in classpath
12:49:04,656 INFO Ejb3Configuration:806 - [PersistenceUnit: UncleJoes-ejbPU] META-INF/orm.xml found
12:49:04,656 DEBUG AnnotationConfiguration:232 - Execute first pass mapping processing
12:49:04,718 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:327 - Add table generator with name: ujIDGen
12:49:04,718 DEBUG AnnotationConfiguration:336 - Process hbm files
12:49:04,718 DEBUG AnnotationConfiguration:344 - Process annotated classes
12:49:04,734 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.admin.AdminSettings
12:49:04,734 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: AdminSettings.find => select aset from AdminSettings aset
12:49:04,750 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:04,750 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=AdminSettings
12:49:04,765 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.admin.AdminSettings on table AdminSettings
12:49:04,765 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.admin.AdminSettings property annotation
12:49:04,796 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.admin.AdminSettings.id
12:49:04,812 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:04,812 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:04,812 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:04,812 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:04,812 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:04,828 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:04,828 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.admin.AdminSettings.version
12:49:04,828 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:04,828 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:04,828 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:04,828 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:04,828 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:04,828 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:04,828 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:04,828 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.admin.AdminSettings.inventoryMultiplier
12:49:04,828 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column inventoryMultiplier unique false
12:49:04,828 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property inventoryMultiplier with lazy=false
12:49:04,828 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for inventoryMultiplier
12:49:04,828 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property inventoryMultiplier
12:49:04,828 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading inventoryMultiplier with null
12:49:04,828 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.Address
12:49:04,828 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:04,828 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=Address
12:49:04,828 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.Address on table Address
12:49:04,828 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.Address property annotation
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.id
12:49:04,843 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:04,843 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.state
12:49:04,843 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column STATE_PROVINCE unique false
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property state with lazy=false
12:49:04,843 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for state
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property state
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading state with null
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.country
12:49:04,843 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column country unique false
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property country with lazy=false
12:49:04,843 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for country
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property country
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading country with null
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.version
12:49:04,843 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:04,843 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:04,843 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:04,843 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:04,859 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.address1
12:49:04,859 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column address1 unique false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property address1 with lazy=false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for address1
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property address1
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading address1 with null
12:49:04,859 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.address2
12:49:04,859 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column address2 unique false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property address2 with lazy=false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for address2
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property address2
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading address2 with null
12:49:04,859 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.city
12:49:04,859 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column city unique false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property city with lazy=false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for city
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property city
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading city with null
12:49:04,859 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Address.postalCode
12:49:04,859 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column postalCode unique false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property postalCode with lazy=false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for postalCode
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property postalCode
12:49:04,859 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading postalCode with null
12:49:04,859 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem
12:49:04,859 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: CatalogItem.findAll => select ci from CatalogItem ci order by ci.shortDescription
12:49:04,859 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: CatalogItem.findByItemNbr => select ci from CatalogItem ci where ci.itemNbr = :itemNbr
12:49:04,859 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:04,859 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=CatalogItem
12:49:04,859 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem on table CatalogItem
12:49:04,875 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem property annotation
12:49:04,875 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.id
12:49:04,875 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:04,875 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:04,875 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:04,875 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:04,875 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:04,875 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:04,875 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.length
12:49:04,875 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column itemLength unique false
12:49:04,875 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property length with lazy=false
12:49:04,875 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for length
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property length
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading length with null
12:49:04,890 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.version
12:49:04,890 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:04,890 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:04,890 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.vendorName
12:49:04,890 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column vendorName unique false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property vendorName with lazy=false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for vendorName
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property vendorName
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading vendorName with null
12:49:04,890 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.shortDescription
12:49:04,890 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column shortDescription unique false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property shortDescription with lazy=false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for shortDescription
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property shortDescription
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading shortDescription with null
12:49:04,890 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.itemNbr
12:49:04,890 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column itemNbr unique false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property itemNbr with lazy=false
12:49:04,890 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for itemNbr
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property itemNbr
12:49:04,890 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading itemNbr with null
12:49:04,906 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.msrp
12:49:04,906 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column msrp unique false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property msrp with lazy=false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for msrp
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property msrp
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading msrp with null
12:49:04,906 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.memberCost
12:49:04,906 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column memberCost unique false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property memberCost with lazy=false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for memberCost
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property memberCost
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading memberCost with null
12:49:04,906 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.longDescription
12:49:04,906 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column longDescription unique false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property longDescription with lazy=false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for longDescription
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property longDescription
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading longDescription with null
12:49:04,906 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.vendorID
12:49:04,906 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column vendorID unique false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property vendorID with lazy=false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for vendorID
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property vendorID
12:49:04,906 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading vendorID with null
12:49:04,906 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.department
12:49:04,906 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:04,906 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column department unique false
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property department
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading department with none
12:49:04,921 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.productClass
12:49:04,921 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:04,921 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column productClass unique false
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property productClass
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading productClass with none
12:49:04,921 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.productSubclass
12:49:04,921 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:04,921 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column productSubclass unique false
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property productSubclass
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading productSubclass with none
12:49:04,921 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.upc
12:49:04,921 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column upc unique false
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property upc with lazy=false
12:49:04,921 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for upc
12:49:04,921 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property upc
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading upc with null
12:49:04,937 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.weight
12:49:04,937 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column weight unique false
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property weight with lazy=false
12:49:04,937 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for weight
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property weight
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading weight with null
12:49:04,937 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.width
12:49:04,937 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column width unique false
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property width with lazy=false
12:49:04,937 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for width
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property width
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading width with null
12:49:04,937 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.height
12:49:04,937 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column height unique false
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property height with lazy=false
12:49:04,937 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for height
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property height
12:49:04,937 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading height with null
12:49:04,984 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.packWeight
12:49:04,984 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column packWeight unique false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property packWeight with lazy=false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for packWeight
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property packWeight
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading packWeight with null
12:49:05,000 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.packLength
12:49:05,000 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column packLength unique false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property packLength with lazy=false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for packLength
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property packLength
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading packLength with null
12:49:05,000 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.packWidth
12:49:05,000 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column packWidth unique false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property packWidth with lazy=false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for packWidth
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property packWidth
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading packWidth with null
12:49:05,000 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.packHeight
12:49:05,000 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column packHeight unique false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property packHeight with lazy=false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for packHeight
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property packHeight
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading packHeight with null
12:49:05,000 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.retailPackQty
12:49:05,000 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column retailPackQty unique false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property retailPackQty with lazy=false
12:49:05,000 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for retailPackQty
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property retailPackQty
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading retailPackQty with null
12:49:05,015 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.memberPackQty
12:49:05,015 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column memberPackQty unique false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property memberPackQty with lazy=false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for memberPackQty
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property memberPackQty
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading memberPackQty with null
12:49:05,015 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.memberBreakPack
12:49:05,015 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column memberBreakPack unique false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property memberBreakPack with lazy=false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for memberBreakPack
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property memberBreakPack
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading memberBreakPack with null
12:49:05,015 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.model
12:49:05,015 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column model unique false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property model with lazy=false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for model
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property model
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading model with null
12:49:05,015 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.itemPictureID
12:49:05,015 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column itemPictureID unique false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property itemPictureID with lazy=false
12:49:05,015 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for itemPictureID
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property itemPictureID
12:49:05,015 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading itemPictureID with null
12:49:05,015 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.countryCode
12:49:05,015 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column countryCode unique false
12:49:05,031 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property countryCode with lazy=false
12:49:05,031 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for countryCode
12:49:05,031 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property countryCode
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading countryCode with null
12:49:05,046 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.toBeDiscontinued
12:49:05,046 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column toBeDiscontinued unique false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property toBeDiscontinued with lazy=false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for toBeDiscontinued
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property toBeDiscontinued
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading toBeDiscontinued with null
12:49:05,046 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.retailUOM
12:49:05,046 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column retailUOM unique false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property retailUOM with lazy=false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for retailUOM
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property retailUOM
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading retailUOM with null
12:49:05,046 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.exclusiveBrandCode
12:49:05,046 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column exclusiveBrandCode unique false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property exclusiveBrandCode with lazy=false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for exclusiveBrandCode
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property exclusiveBrandCode
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading exclusiveBrandCode with null
12:49:05,046 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CatalogItem.hazMat
12:49:05,046 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column hazMat unique false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property hazMat with lazy=false
12:49:05,046 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for hazMat
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property hazMat
12:49:05,046 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading hazMat with null
12:49:05,046 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard
12:49:05,046 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:05,062 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=CreditCard
12:49:05,062 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard on table CreditCard
12:49:05,062 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard property annotation
12:49:05,265 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.id
12:49:05,265 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:05,281 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.version
12:49:05,281 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:05,281 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.billingAddress
12:49:05,281 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:05,281 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column billingAddress unique false
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1876 - Fetching billingAddress with JOIN
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property billingAddress
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading billingAddress with none
12:49:05,281 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.expirationDate
12:49:05,281 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column expirationDate unique false
12:49:05,281 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property expirationDate with lazy=false
12:49:05,296 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for expirationDate
12:49:05,296 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property expirationDate
12:49:05,296 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading expirationDate with null
12:49:05,296 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.firstName
12:49:05,296 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column firstName unique false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property firstName with lazy=false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for firstName
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property firstName
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading firstName with null
12:49:05,312 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.middleInitial
12:49:05,312 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column middleInitial unique false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property middleInitial with lazy=false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for middleInitial
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property middleInitial
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading middleInitial with null
12:49:05,312 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.lastName
12:49:05,312 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column lastName unique false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property lastName with lazy=false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for lastName
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property lastName
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading lastName with null
12:49:05,312 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.cardType
12:49:05,312 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column cardType unique false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property cardType with lazy=false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for cardType
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property cardType
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading cardType with null
12:49:05,312 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.CreditCard.cardNumber
12:49:05,312 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column cardNumber unique false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property cardNumber with lazy=false
12:49:05,312 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for cardNumber
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property cardNumber
12:49:05,312 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading cardNumber with null
12:49:05,312 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.Department
12:49:05,312 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: Department.findAll => select d from Department d order by d.departmentName
12:49:05,328 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: Department.findByDepartmentID => select d from Department d where d.departmentID = :departmentID
12:49:05,328 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: Department.findAllDOs => select distinct new com.unclejoes.displayobj.DepartmentDO(d.id, d.departmentName, d.departmentID) from Department d
12:49:05,328 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: Department.loadDOByID => select new com.unclejoes.displayobj.DepartmentDO(d.id, d.departmentName, d.departmentID) from Department d where d.id = :id
12:49:05,328 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:05,328 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=Department
12:49:05,328 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.Department on table Department
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.Department property annotation
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Department.id
12:49:05,328 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:05,328 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:05,328 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:05,328 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Department.version
12:49:05,328 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:05,328 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:05,328 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:05,328 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:05,328 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:05,328 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Department.departmentName
12:49:05,328 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column departmentName unique false
12:49:05,328 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property departmentName with lazy=false
12:49:05,328 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for departmentName
12:49:05,343 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property departmentName
12:49:05,343 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading departmentName with null
12:49:05,343 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Department.departmentID
12:49:05,343 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column departmentID unique false
12:49:05,343 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property departmentID with lazy=false
12:49:05,343 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for departmentID
12:49:05,343 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property departmentID
12:49:05,343 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading departmentID with null
12:49:05,343 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem
12:49:05,343 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: InventoryItem.findAll => select inv from InventoryItem inv order by inv.itemNbr
12:49:05,343 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: InventoryItem.findAllByItemNbr => select inv from InventoryItem inv where inv.itemNbr = :itemNbr
12:49:05,343 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: InventoryItem.findByItemAndRDCNbrs => select inv from InventoryItem inv where inv.itemNbr = :itemNbr and inv.rdcNbr = :rdcNbr
12:49:05,343 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: InventoryItem.getTotalInventoryForItem => select sum(inv.inventory) from InventoryItem inv where inv.itemNbr = :itemNbr
12:49:05,343 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:05,343 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=InventoryItem
12:49:05,343 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem on table InventoryItem
12:49:05,343 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem property annotation
12:49:05,343 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem.id
12:49:05,343 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:05,343 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:05,343 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:05,343 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:05,343 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:05,343 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:05,343 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem.version
12:49:05,343 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:05,343 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:05,359 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:05,359 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem.itemNbr
12:49:05,359 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column itemNbr unique false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property itemNbr with lazy=false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for itemNbr
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property itemNbr
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading itemNbr with null
12:49:05,359 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem.rdcNbr
12:49:05,359 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column rdcNbr unique false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property rdcNbr with lazy=false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for rdcNbr
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property rdcNbr
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading rdcNbr with null
12:49:05,359 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.InventoryItem.inventory
12:49:05,359 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column inventory unique false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property inventory with lazy=false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for inventory
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property inventory
12:49:05,359 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading inventory with null
12:49:05,359 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.Order
12:49:05,359 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:05,359 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=Order
12:49:05,359 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.Order on table ORDERS
12:49:05,359 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.Order property annotation
12:49:05,390 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.id
12:49:05,390 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column ORDER_ID unique false
12:49:05,390 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:05,390 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:05,390 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:05,390 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:05,390 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:05,390 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.status
12:49:05,390 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column status unique false
12:49:05,390 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property status with lazy=false
12:49:05,390 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for status
12:49:05,390 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property status
12:49:05,390 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading status with null
12:49:05,390 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.orderDate
12:49:05,390 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column ORDER_DATE unique false
12:49:05,390 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property orderDate with lazy=false
12:49:05,390 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for orderDate
12:49:05,390 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property orderDate
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading orderDate with null
12:49:05,406 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.netAmount
12:49:05,406 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column NET_AMOUNT unique false
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property netAmount with lazy=false
12:49:05,406 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for netAmount
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property netAmount
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading netAmount with null
12:49:05,406 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.taxAmount
12:49:05,406 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column TAX_AMOUNT unique false
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property taxAmount with lazy=false
12:49:05,406 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for taxAmount
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property taxAmount
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading taxAmount with null
12:49:05,406 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.totalAmount
12:49:05,406 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column TOTAL_AMOUNT unique false
12:49:05,406 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property totalAmount with lazy=false
12:49:05,406 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for totalAmount
12:49:05,437 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property totalAmount
12:49:05,437 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading totalAmount with null
12:49:05,437 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.orderLines
12:49:05,437 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:05,453 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column orderLines unique false
12:49:05,640 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:05,656 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column element unique false
12:49:05,656 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column key unique false
12:49:05,671 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:05,671 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:05,671 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:05,671 DEBUG CollectionBinder:263 - Collection role: com.unclejoes.model.Order.orderLines
12:49:05,671 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property orderLines
12:49:05,671 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading orderLines with none
12:49:05,671 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.Order.customer
12:49:05,671 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column USER_ID unique false
12:49:05,671 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column customer unique false
12:49:05,671 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property customer
12:49:05,671 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading customer with none
12:49:05,671 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine
12:49:05,671 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:05,671 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=OrderLine
12:49:05,671 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine on table ORDER_LINES
12:49:05,671 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine property annotation
12:49:05,671 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine field annotation
12:49:05,687 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine.id
12:49:05,687 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column ORDER_LINE_ID unique false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:05,687 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:05,687 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:05,687 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine.product
12:49:05,687 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column PRODUCT_ID unique false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column product unique false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1876 - Fetching product with JOIN
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property product
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading product with none
12:49:05,687 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine.quantity
12:49:05,687 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column QUANTITY unique false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property quantity with lazy=false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for quantity
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property quantity
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading quantity with null
12:49:05,687 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.OrderLine.order
12:49:05,687 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column ORDER_ID unique false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column order unique false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property order
12:49:05,687 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading order with none
12:49:05,687 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr
12:49:05,687 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:05,687 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=PhoneNbr
12:49:05,687 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr on table PhoneNbr
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr property annotation
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.id
12:49:05,703 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:05,703 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.version
12:49:05,703 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:05,703 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.extension
12:49:05,703 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column extension unique false
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property extension with lazy=false
12:49:05,703 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for extension
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property extension
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading extension with null
12:49:05,703 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.countryCode
12:49:05,703 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column countryCode unique false
12:49:05,703 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property countryCode with lazy=false
12:49:05,703 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for countryCode
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property countryCode
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading countryCode with null
12:49:05,718 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.digits
12:49:05,718 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column digits unique false
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property digits with lazy=false
12:49:05,718 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for digits
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property digits
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading digits with null
12:49:05,718 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.formattedPhoneNbr
12:49:05,718 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column formattedPhoneNbr unique false
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property formattedPhoneNbr with lazy=false
12:49:05,718 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for formattedPhoneNbr
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property formattedPhoneNbr
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading formattedPhoneNbr with null
12:49:05,718 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.phoneNbrStr
12:49:05,718 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column phoneNbrStr unique false
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property phoneNbrStr with lazy=false
12:49:05,718 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for phoneNbrStr
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property phoneNbrStr
12:49:05,718 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading phoneNbrStr with null
12:49:05,718 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.PhoneNbr.phoneNbrType
12:49:05,718 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column phoneNbrType unique false
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property phoneNbrType with lazy=false
12:49:05,734 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for phoneNbrType
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property phoneNbrType
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading phoneNbrType with null
12:49:05,734 INFO AnnotationBinder:386 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass
12:49:05,734 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: ProductClass.findAll => select c from ProductClass c order by c.className
12:49:05,734 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: ProductClass.findByTrueValueID => select c from ProductClass c where c.department = :department and c.classID = :classID
12:49:05,734 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: ProductClass.findAllForDepartment => select c from ProductClass c where c.department = :department order by c.className
12:49:05,734 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: ProductClass.findAllForDepartmentID => select distinct new com.unclejoes.displayobj.ProductClassDO(c.id, c.className, c.classID) from ProductClass c left join c.department d where d.departmentID = :departmentID
12:49:05,734 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: ProductClass.findAllDOsForDepartment => select distinct new com.unclejoes.displayobj.ProductClassDO(c.id, c.className, c.classID) from ProductClass c where c.department = :department order by c.className
12:49:05,734 INFO QueryBinder:65 - Binding Named query: ProductClass.loadDOByID => select new com.unclejoes.displayobj.ProductClassDO(c.id, c.className, c.classID) from ProductClass c where c.id = :id
12:49:05,734 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column DTYPE unique false
12:49:05,734 DEBUG EntityBinder:201 - Import with entity name=ProductClass
12:49:05,734 INFO EntityBinder:325 - Bind entity com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass on table ProductClass
12:49:05,734 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:934 - Processing com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass property annotation
12:49:05,734 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass.id
12:49:05,734 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column id unique false
12:49:05,734 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1152 - id is an id
12:49:05,734 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for id
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property id
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading id with null
12:49:05,734 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1185 - Bind @Id on id
12:49:05,734 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass.className
12:49:05,734 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column className unique false
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property className with lazy=false
12:49:05,734 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for className
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property className
12:49:05,734 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading className with null
12:49:05,750 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass.version
12:49:05,750 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column version unique false
12:49:05,750 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1202 - version is a version property
12:49:05,750 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property version with lazy=false
12:49:05,750 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for version
12:49:05,750 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property version
12:49:05,750 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading version with null
12:49:05,750 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1222 - Version name: version, unsavedValue: undefined
12:49:05,750 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass.department
12:49:05,750 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column null unique false
12:49:05,750 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column department unique false
12:49:05,750 DEBUG PropertyBinder:122 - Building property department
12:49:05,750 DEBUG PropertyBinder:157 - Cascading department with none
12:49:05,750 DEBUG AnnotationBinder:1016 - Processing annotations of com.unclejoes.model.ProductClass.classID
12:49:05,750 DEBUG Ejb3Column:161 - Binding column classID unique false
12:49:05,750 DEBUG PropertyBinder:102 - binding property classID with lazy=false
12:49:05,750 DEBUG SimpleValueBinder:215 - building SimpleValue for cla
_________________ Rick Horowitz
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