Go into helloworld-ejb3/src/java/hello/HelloWorld.java and switch from the fast deploy to the slow deploy mechanism. Simply comment out this code:
// Deploy all EJBs found on classpath (fast, scans only build directory)
// This is a relative location, matching the substring end of one of java.class.path locations!
// Print out System.getProperty("java.class.path") to understand this...
EJB3StandaloneBootstrap.scanClasspath("helloworld-ejb3/build".replace("/", File.separator));
And uncomment this code:
// Deploy all EJBs found on classpath (slow, scans all)
Also make sure you have the latest version, there was a bug in an older release. If you do not have the replace(File.separator) in the above block, you have an older version.