There are atleast a couple of ways to get this value.
i) Send one date from application, pick the other from database.( as done above ).
Our application ( Hibernate ) runs on the app server and database on the database server.
Both the machines need not ( and are very unlikely ) be the same.
So, we have to ensure that the dates when compared make sense. ( synchronization, timezones etc...)
Date d = new Date() ; session.createQuery("select ? - p.lastUpdatedDatetime from Petition p").setParameter(0, d).list() ; // Use Bind variables ; Don't hard code.
ii) Don't send a date from the application. Use sysdate (or some equivalent)
Not all databases provide the same function to refer to current date.
So, at times, we might have to change the query.
session.createQuery("select sysdate - p.lastUpdatedDatetime from Petition p").list() ; // Oracle
Return type is Double. ( I guess )
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