I'm a student-newbie trying to make a EJB 3.0 project on Eclipse 3.1.2, using JBoss-Eclipse IDE 1.6 which has Hibernate Tools in it.
I require to generate the POJOs using the Hibernate Tools Reverse Engineering feature.
I have created the hibernate config file, reveng file and the console configuration as per this:
http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/tools ... ugins.html
But I am not able to create the POJOs from my tables at all. There is no error in the error log and nothing happens when I saw 'run' on the code gen wizard.
I am not able to use the HQL scratch pad either. When I right click on the console config and say 'Create sessionfactory' there is nothing that happens.
Could somebody please help me out with some inputs?
I donot know if I am missing something?