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 Post subject: LOSSING FEATURE??
PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:43 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:40 am
Posts: 1
Lazy loading for one-to-one asociations_________________________
After read "Some explanations on lazy loading" and my tests I found a lossing feature in Hibernate (3.2.2).

one-to-one with lazy="proxy"___________________________________

Hibernate ALWAYS launch selects to know if one-to-one is null or can be proxied.

one-to-one with lazy="no-proxy"________________________________

Instrumentation allows to hibernate modify the getter to allows lazy loading on demand:
* but allways initialize ALL no-proxy relations (with first getter call)
-> must initialize ONLY the requested property
* never auto-initialize FETCH joins, ALWAYS doit on demand (if opened session)
-> must auto-initialize ONLY the FETCHED property

note: Can submit a fix for this? How?

LOSSING FEATURE: one-to-one with lazy="proxy" without multiple SELECTS___

If Hibernate adds join, for all one-to-one relations, to get the foreign-key of other tables, can check it to create a proxy or null.
note: that hibernate adds joins for hierarchy, why not for one-to-one relations?

This solution avoids:
· 'multiple subselects' after first select
· 'instrumentation' of bytecode

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