I've created the HQL query down below and it gives me the SQL listed even further down. The problem is that it requires the rule to have a relation to a category with this SQL
and R.id=RC.id_rule
and RC.id_category=C.id
and I don't think this condition is reflected in the HQL query?!
I guess the problem is due to the
or r.categories.id in (select ...
So I guess I have to modify this to something like
or ONE OF r.categories IS CONTAINED IN (select ...
Am I right? Is this possible?
Hibernate version: 3.1 and 3.2.1
Mapping documents:Would be many... but I don't think this is mapping related...
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():Code:
Only the important part:
select distinct r, s.weight, index(r)
from ProductDiscountRuleSet s inner join s.rules r
where ( (s.from = null and s.until = null)
or :now between s.from and s.until )
and ( :customer in elements(r.customers)
or :priceFamily in elements(r.priceFamilies) )
and ( :product in elements(r.products)
or (select p.brand from ProductI18N p join p.productReferences pr join pr.productReference prr where prr = :product) in elements(r.brands)
or r.categories.id in (select c.id from Category c join c.products cp join cp.productReferences cpr join cpr.productReference cprr where cprr = :product) )
order by s.weight, index(r)
Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:None
Name and version of the database you are using:Postgresql 8.1
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):Code:
select distinct R.id as col_0_0_, RS.weight as col_1_0_, R.ord as col_2_0_, R.id as id41_, R.version as version41_, R.stackable as stackable41_, R.last as last41_, R.discount as discount41_, R.fixed_amount_discount as fixed7_41_, R.fixed_price as fixed8_41_, R.base_price as base9_41_, R."unique" as unique10_41_, R.promotion as promotion41_, R.min_amount as min12_41_, R.free_shipping as free13_41_, R.paymentDelay as payment14_41_, R.discount_ref as discount15_41_, R.delay_ref as delay16_41_, R.type as type41_
from rule_sets RS inner join rules R
on RS.id=R.id_rule_set, rules_categories RC, categories C
and R.id=RC.id_rule
and RC.id_category=C.id
and ((RS."from" is null)
and (RS.until is null)
or ? between RS."from" and RS.until)
and (? in (select RuleCust.id_customer
from rules_customers RuleCust
where R.id=RuleCust.id_rule)
or ? in (select RulePriceFam.id_price_family
from rules_price_families RulePriceFam
where R.id=RulePriceFam.id_rule))
and (? in (select RuleProd.id_product
from rules_product_references RuleProd
where R.id=RuleProd.id_rule)
or (select P.id_brand
from products P inner join product_options O
on P.id=O.id_product inner join product_references R
on O.id_product_reference=R.id
where R.id=?)
in (select RuleBrand.id_brand
from rules_brands RuleBrand
where R.id=RuleBrand.id_rule)
or C.id in (select C.id
from categories C inner join products_catalogs PC
on C.id=PC.id_category inner join products P
on PC.id_product=P.id inner join product_options PO
on P.id=PO.id_product inner join product_references PR
on PO.id_product_reference=PR.id
where PR.id=?))
order by RS.weight, R.ord
Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:
Problems with Session and transaction handling?
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