i have various problems with schemageneration when using a @MappedSuperclass
1. my superclass contains an @Index(name="col_idx"). having two entity subclasses leads to an schema-error, because the database doesn't allow tow indexes to have the same name. is there a way to enable automatic-index-name generation (like for foreign-key-constraint-names?)
2. i want to define the @Id property in the superclass, but allow the subclasses to define/overwrite the @GeneratedValue attribute
3. i would like to define a combined index in the superclass as well. beside the name-problem explained above, i don't know how: if i specify a @Index on a property any specified columnnames attribute is ignored. and using @org.hibernate.annotations.Table doen't work, because my superclass can't know the table name of the subclass @Entities
do i have to live with this and define all indexes again for each @entity-class instead of the superclass, or are there better ways?
thanks in advance