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 Post subject: Reverse engineer XDoclet tags for Hibernate 3
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:03 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:48 am
Posts: 4
Need help with Hibernate? Read this first:
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Read this: http://hibernate.org/42.html

I have legacy schema that I want to reverse enginner into Hibernate POJO classes. And I'd like to use XDoclet tags in the POJO's to describe the O/R mappings. Is there a tool that can generate the xdoclet tags for me, from the schema?

Hibernate Tools 3.2 Beta 8 doesn't do that. I read that Middlegen2 can generate xdoclet, but wonder if it works for Hibernate 3?

Another way is to potentially generate xdoclet from the mapping files (that I generated with Hibernate Tools 3.2). Anybody knows such tools exist?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:49 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 7:19 pm
Posts: 2364
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Middlegen does work for Hibernate 3 and yes it will generate the XDoclet tags. Use the version attribute to tell it you want the hibernate 3 target.
Best to build Middlegen from the CVS Source.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:32 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:48 am
Posts: 4

I tried Middlegen-2.1 but it doesn't recognize the version attribute on the hibernate target. Which Middlegen version should I use?
Also, we use XDoclet 1.2.2. Are you aware of any limitation to use this for Hibernate 3? I read somewhere that entity associations with composite keys is not supported in XDoclet 1.2.2. Wonder if that's true and if there's more limitations.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:05 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:48 am
Posts: 4
I found answer to my first question from another post:

http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.ph ... a6dfccbc6a

That must be why David suggested compiling from CVS instead of using 2.1 binaries.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:23 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:48 am
Posts: 4
I tried build middlegen 2.1 with code from CVS. Then I set the version attribute in the hibernate target. I was able to generate the DAO and hbm.xml files. However when I tried to run "hbm2java" target (see below ant script) to generate the POJOs with xdoclet tags, I got a connection error (see the end) which we think it's because of not being able to find hibernate 3 dtd. We have included in our classpath hibernate3.jar and verified that hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd is in this jar. We suspect Hbm2JavaTask is looking at hibernate2.jar which only contains hibernate2 dtd. I used hibernate-tools-2.1.3.jar from the CVS distribution (For some reason, the hibernate2.jar has to be included in the classpath, otherwise we encounter a ClassNotFoundException.) Should I use a newer hibernate-tools jar? The hibernate tool jars from hibernate 3 tools suite no longer support the Hibernate2JavaTask.



ant execution log:

[hbm2java] Processing 2 mapping files.
[hbm2java] java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
[hbm2java] at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
[hbm2java] at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:305)
[hbm2java] at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.ja
[hbm2java] at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:158)
[hbm2java] at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:452)
[hbm2java] at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:402)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:139)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:402)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:618)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:306)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:267)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:339)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:320)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:315)
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Htt
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(HttpURLC
[hbm2java] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(H
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(U
known Source)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.startEntity(Unknown
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.startDTDEntity(Unkno
n Source)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDTDScannerImpl.setInputSource(Unkn
wn Source)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl$DTDDispatcher.
ispatch(Unknown Source)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDo
ument(Unknown Source)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown S
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown S
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown So
[hbm2java] at org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder.build(SAXBuilder.java:370)
[hbm2java] at org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder.build(SAXBuilder.java:724)
[hbm2java] at org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder.build(SAXBuilder.java:703)
[hbm2java] at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2java.CodeGenerator.main(CodeGenera
[hbm2java] at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2java.Hbm2JavaTask.processFile(Hbm2
[hbm2java] at net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2java.Hbm2JavaTask.execute(Hbm2Java
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.j
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1214

[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:106
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:673)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:188)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:196)
[hbm2java] at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:55)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:16 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 7:19 pm
Posts: 2364
Location: Brisbane, Australia
When you are using the hibernate tools - you will need to use the dependencies that comes with the tools - that includes the hibernate.jar . This is because the internal non-public structures are used by the tools for internal processing. Once the output is created it will work fine with the version you plan to deploy with.

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