brj wrote:
DELETE_ORPHAN is a proprietary feature of Hibernate and is not available in other JPA-implementations. you'd better delete the object manually after removing it from the set.
Well, I consider that a failing of the group that created JPA. In my estimation
the job of Hibernate or any persistence infrastructure is to make persistence
transparent as possible. With Hibernate it is, apparently. When I remove an
Object from a list expecting it to be garbage collected, I should be able to let
the persistence infrastructure mirror that change in the DB. The list is another
good example in my mind. JPA has some sort of ordering annotation. Here is
a crazy idea, how about you just give me the list I told you to store in the
order it was in. Hibernate can to it. Again it is proprietary, but that is more a
sad commentary about the guys the made JPA than on Hibernate. I don't see
a good reason to avoid doing things the simple logical way when you can
use Hibernate in any environment. Sorry for the blast, but there is a reason
Hibernate is taking over the world. They built a better mouse trap.